In multiple regression analysis, there are two or more dependent variables.
The least squares method cannot be used to develop the coefficients of the estimated regression equation for multiple regression analysis.
An F test can be used to test for a significant relationship in multiple regression analysis.
The number of degrees of freedom for the error sum of squares in multiple regression analysis decreases as the number of independent variables increases.
The number of degrees of freedom in the t test for the significance of individual parameters in multiple regression analysis is always n - 3.
Consider a regression model in which two independent variables, x1and x2 are used to explain the dependent variable, y. In the test of the hypotheses Ho : b1 = b2 = 0 and Ha : either b1 or b2or both ¹ 0, the test statistic MSR/MSE has a sampling distribution that is the
Consider a regression model in which two independent variables, x1 and x2 are used to explain the dependent variable, y. Which sampling distribution is used to test H0 : b2 = 0, Ha : b2 ¹ 0?
A car-rental company wanted to predict the annual operating cost (y) of its cars using both the number of miles a car was driven (x1) and the size of the car (subcompact, compact, midsize, and full-size). To incorporate the effect of the size of the car, the following dummy variables were defined.
X2 X3 X4 Car size
0 0 0 subcompact
1 0 0 compact
0 1 0 midsize
0 0 1 full size
The mean annual operating cost for a compact car is
A car-rental company wanted to predict the annual operating cost (y) of its cars using both the number of miles a car was driven (x1) and the size of the car (subcompact, compact, midsize, and full-size). To incorporate the effect of the size of the car, the following dummy variables were defined.
X2 X3 X4 Car size
0 0 0 subcompact
1 0 0 compact
0 1 0 midsize
0 0 1 full size
The mean annual operating cost for a subcompact car is
A car-rental company wanted to predict the annual operating cost (y) of its cars using both the number of miles a car was driven and the size of the car (subcompact, compact, midsize, and full-size). To incorporate the effect of the size of the car, the following dummy variables were defined.
X2 X3 X4 Car size
0 0 0 subcompact
1 0 0 compact
0 1 0 midsize
0 0 1 full size
The difference in mean annual operating costs between a full-size car and a subcompact car is
Which of the following is not an assumption about the error term in the multiple regression model?
If two or more independent variables are strongly correlated, the following exists.
Standardized residuals cannot be used to test the assumptions about multiple regression.
Standardized residuals can be used to detect outliers.
Qualitative independent variables cannot be used in regression analysis.