The frame for a sample survey is a list of the units making up the sample.
Both probabilistic and nonprobabilistic methods can be used to select a sample.
If it is necessary to provide statements about the precision of estimates, a nonprobabilistic sampling method may be used.
Judgment sampling is a type of nonprobabilistic sampling.
Simple random sampling is a form of probabilistic sampling
A simple random sample of 36 elements from a population of 100 elements yielded c bar = 720 and s = 24. An estimate of the standard error of the mean is
A simple random sample of 36 elements from a population of 100 elements yielded c bar= 720 and s = 24. An approximate 95% confidence interval estimate for the population mean is
A simple random sample of 36 elements from a population of 100 elements yielded c bar = 720 and s = 24. An approximate 95% confidence interval is estimate for the population total is
If N = 1000 and a sample of size 10 is chosen by sampling so that each sample of size 10 has the same probability of being chosen, then the sampling procedure being used is
If N = 1000 and a sample of size 10 is chosen by choosing a random element between 1 and 100, then choosing every 100th element thereafter (for example, elements 52, 152, 252, ..., 952). The sampling method used is
Stratified random sampling works well in situations where the variance between strata is large relative to the variance within strata.
A stratified simple random sample provided these results:
N1 = 100, n1 = 30, pbar chart1 = .2, N2 = 150, n2 = 40, pbar chart2 - .5; N3 = 180, n1 = 45, pbar chart3 = .4. The number of elements in the population is
A stratified simple random sample provided these results:
N1 = 100, n1 = 30, p bar chart1= .2, N2 = 150, n2 = 40, pbar chart2 - .5; N3 = 180, n3 = 45, pbar chart3 = .4. A point estimate of the population proportion is
Cluster sampling works well when each cluster is representative of the population.
A cluster sample provided the following:
x1 = 90, a1 = 12, M1 = 20; x2 = 90, a2 = 15, M2 = 30; x3 = 60, a3 = 13, M3 = 30. A point estimate of the population mean is given by