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B&O & Loewe

B&O & Loewe Spreadsheets containing: (1) the reported and standardized financial statements of Bang & Olufsen (B&O) and Loewe; (2) calculations of B&O’s and Loewe’s ratios (presented in Chapter 5); (3) Loewe’s forecasted financial statements (presented in Chapter 6); and (4) valuations of Loewe’s shares (presented in Chapter 8). Use these spreadsheets to easily replicate the analyses presented in Chapters 5 through 8 and perform ‘‘what-if’’ analyses – i.e., to find out how the reported numbers change as a result of changes to the standardized statements or forecasting assumptions.

Cases spreadsheets

Spreadsheets containing the material for the cases in each chapter and the relevant financial statements for specific discussion questions. Each chapter case relates to the topic covered within that chapter.

Cases supplemental material

Additional information that is helpful in preparing and discussing the end-of-chapter cases.

Multiple choice questions

Test yourself using multiple choice questions to text yourself on key topics from the book.

Discussion questions spreadsheets

These spreadsheets contain the relevant financial statements for specific discussion questions.

Instructions for standardizing financial statements in Excel

Instructions detailing how to produce standardized financial statements in Excel.


Links to other websites for further reading and useful data.


Errata and clarifications

Chapter 4, Case – Marks and Spencer’s Accounting Choices
In Exhibit 2, Panel E of the Pension Note: The cumulative actuarial gains and (losses) reported in the table are all actuarial losses.

Chapter 6, Table 6.4
The caption of the table should be changed from “Forecasted sales growth for Loewe” to “Forecasted margins for Loewe”

The tax expense in 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 should be -2.4%, -2.3%, -2.1% and -1.8%, respectively.

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